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Monday, September 2, 2019

Rules you need to follow in Google Adsense

Some of us today are struggling to look for a decent job that pays us decently.
And some people particularly single moms opt to work at home so as for them to require care of their family whereas they're operating.

Do you know that working at home gives you the freedom of not getting stressed out? You can manage your time very well. No more 8 hours of work and lastly no terror boss!
So, today I will be teaching you the benefits of having a blog.

1. Publicity
2. A home base that you control.
3. Create charitable causes.
4. Get job offers.
5. Gain income.

This is some of the benefits of having a blogger account. But, all these benefits will perish when you ignore the rules of Google Adsense. In fact, Google Adsense is the main reason that you earn. If you do not have an Adsense account then you need to earn it by creating contents that are focusing on one niche.
You must be consistent in writing articles for consecutive months, so you can have a big chance in approval. But, before you start creating a blogger account you must know the cons of Adsense.

So, I have listed here the things that you need to avoid.

1. Click on AdSense links on your own blog

2. Ask people to click on the AdSense links on your blog.
3. Use any quite machine-controlled method to extend clicks, whether you create the process or a third party does it for you.
4. Join with a gaggle of individuals to click on AdSense ads on member's diary or web site.
5. Pay a private or company to click on your ads
6. Use verbiage like "Visit these links," "Support America," or "Click the ads"

I hope all of you learned from my blog.
And for my next post is the steps on how to get started in BLOGGING.
Please follow my blog to keep you updated.
On the meantime, try to play one of my favorite games. I play this game whenever I ran out of idea or I am having siesta time.